Planning for Reimbursements on Payroll
Before you record your first reimbursement batch, you will create a payroll line item for your reimbursements. The reimbursement line item will be classified as a non-taxed business expense reimbursement.
1. Log in to your online administrative account
Go to Log in with your username and password.
2. Click Reimburse Batch - Payroll
Under Quick Links (left side of the home screen), select Reimburse Batch - Payroll. This will bring you to the batch reimbursement page.
- All Participants with reimbursements due will show, with the approved amounts. Un-select any participants as desired.
- Under Reimbursement Method edit the date to the day employees are paid. Include any optional notes.
- Manually record the reimbursements amounts into the reimbursement line item
You have now recorded the reimbursements in the Zane system. On the next page you may download the reimbursement batch data (Excel or XML file) to forward on to your payroll rep, if needed.
3. Enter reimbursements in your payroll system to transfer funds
Now, you need to enter the reimbursements in your payroll system to transfer funds. How you do this will depend on how you run payroll. Some common ways are:
- Enter the amounts online when you are entering other information (hours, etc)
- Forward the reimbursement report to your payroll representative
- Manually record the reimbursements amounts into the reimbursement line item