In order to be reimbursed, you will need to submit a claim for the amount that’s being deducted from you or your spouse’s pay. Here is the step-by-step guide.
- Select 'Submit Claims' on the blue navigation bar at the top of your screen
- Select 'Health Insurance Premium' for the claim type
- Choose whether you’re submitting a new claim or whether you’re looking to replace an existing claim (due to premium increase or other)
- If choosing ‘Replace an existing premium,’ select which premium it will replace before continuing
- Click the box for Source of Policy and select Employer-Sponsored Group with the corresponding tax status (Pre-Tax or Post-Tax)
- Fill out the rest of the policy, premium and reimbursement information
- Attach your supporting documentation, a copy of your insurance card, the signed Tax Acknowledgement Form, and a copy of the pay stub for the period you’re requesting reimbursement for.
- Click ‘Submit for Review’
Acknowledgement of Tax Responsibilities for Payroll Contributions to Employer-Sponsored Premiums